The Foreground five: October’s most-read stories
October’s top stories take you on a journey of best practice: from this year’s landscape awards to humanitarian place-making in Syria, and from foreign aid put to good use in Vanuatu, to a reminder that urban biodiversity is as old as bird feeding. And that’s old…
Today’s challenges and stressed environmental conditions demand a new way of intervening in the landscape, and of understanding the scales of effective practice.
Binary distinctions between natural and urban environments fail to account for the layered and interdependent ecologies that support both human and non-human well-being – something that healthy cities have known for centuries.
The 2018 national awards is a celebration of what landscape architecture can do and be, demonstrating a diverse range of ideas, tools and approaches to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
Foreign aid can sometimes come with dubious strings attached. In the wake of cyclone Pam, however, a foreshore redevelopment in Vanuatu’s Port Vila, funded by New Zealand, is a case-study in win-win place-making.
A petition against the proposed use of the Sydney Opera house as a billboard for a forthcoming horse race, has sparked a wave of opposition, in turn catalysing a debate about who owns the city.